Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lecture 9

Since the lecture today I have made some small changes to the proof of Theorem 9.1, as I realized I could give it an even cleaner exposition. (It has been some years since I have thought hard about this.)

I have a personal fondness for some things I talked about today. Theorem 9.1 (and extensions of it to other distributions beyond exponential) was one of the things that I proved in my Ph.D. dissertation in 1980. The Lady's Nylon Stocking Problem was a fairly famous unsolved problem at that time. It gave me something to talk about with non-mathematically inclined colleagues when I first became a research fellow at Queens College. The paper is  Scheduling jobs with stochastic processing requirements on parallel machines to minimize makespan or flow timeJ. Appl. Prob. 19, 167-182, 1982. Looking at it again today, I think that I could write it better.

The method of uniformization that I described in this lecture seems to have been introduced by Jensen (1953), but it was first used extensively in solving queueing problems in the late 1970s (by Grassman (1977) and Keilson (1979)). But it was not well-known. I recall discovering it for myself. Nowadays it is standard. Here is a quote from a recent 2011 paper by Rhonda Righter
Stochastic sequential assignment problem with arrivals, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 25, 2011, 477–485:

Proof. We consider the equivalent discrete-time problem by uniformizing with uniformization rate $\lambda + \gamma + \alpha = 1$, and we use value iteration (i.e., induction on a finite time horizon, $n$).

The Wikipedia article has more about it and summarises the method in these words:
The method involves the constructions of an analogous discrete time Markov chain, where transitions occur according to an exponential distribution with the same parameter in every state.
I have used this idea many dozens of times in my own research. It is usually the best first step to make when  tackling a continuous-time Markov decision problem.