Monday, January 4, 2016

Course starts January 14, 2016

The 2016 course will start at 11am on Thursday January 14 in MR5. Blog postings for previous years of the course can be found below. However, new entries will be written this year, appropriate to the lectures as they proceed. Examples sheets are available from the link at the right.

Preliminary course notes are in place. My aim in these notes is to tread a Goldilocks path, by being neither too brief nor too verbose. I try to make each lecture a sort of self-contained seminar, with about 4 pages of notes. I will slightly amend and change these notes as the course proceeds. In particular, I may be doing some things differently in the later lectures. Some students like to print notes in advance of the lecture and then write things in the margins when hearing me talk about things that are not in not in the notes.

 I will use this space to talk about some extra things. Sometimes leaving a lecture I think, "I wish I had said ...". This blog gives me a place to say it. Or I can use this space to talk about a question that a student has asked. Or I might comment on an examples sheet question.